Кон прошел в прошлые выходные, но видео выложили поздно, жаловались на плохой интернет. Все прошло как всегда. От Клифа нам перепала фотка с отдыха на пляже
А еще от каста мы получили вот такую смешную фотку ))
Следующий кон у нас в Нешвиле с 8 по 10 декабря и это пока последний кон в этом году и до марта конов не будет. На мартовский кон Джаред не заявлен, так что совместные панели будут только в мае. Это может быть связано с работой. Дженсен на коне сказал, что есть кое что, но все будет известно только весной. Посмотрим, могут и на какие-то коны подписаться, может и Джаред объявит об участии
Вот небольшой кусочек панели об их планах
читать дальшеJensen: How about right here? Yep, yes.
Jared: Oh, the Family Business shirt. Oh, you're cheating, yeah.
Question: So my question is for Jared - I'm just joking.
Jensen: Hey, that's cool.
Jared: No worries [pushes his arm across Jensen to take his mic] What would you like to know?
[Questioner compliments Jared on Walker and Walker Independence and then I think says something to Jensen, but ??? Then asks how busy they are and what's next for them - what Jensen's planning to do, how long Walker will last and what'll be next after that, etc.]
Jared: Yeah, thank you so much. I, I - that's a great question, and I guess those conversations are starting now that SAG and WGA aren't on strike. So pretty preliminaries and then SAG hasn't ratified the vote [gestures at Jensen], and I gestured to him [repeats it] like it's his fault. Like, get to work.
Jensen: I'll get right on that.
Jared: I've been very lucky and fortunate in Austin to have a great cast and crew and I'm lookin' at my boy Keegan over there [points offstage] right now. Yeah, he's been segregated, don't look anybody in the eyes. I dunno, I said this for many years and I feel like I've been made a liar? But it just is the way it happened? Like I really do want to get off camera. I do wanna - I love reading, I've had a chance to read a lot and so I'd love to be a part of helping make stories more available to people? Not everybody has a chance to, y'know, spend several days or several weeks with a book. But if you can make it into a two hour movie, or an episode series? So there are stories that have meant a lot to me, and mean a lot to me that I'd love to try and help get made. So that's ideally - again, y'know - man plans, God laughs. Like I think my plan in March was to like [does weird little dance] get back to work in July, so - I don't know what I'm doing.
Jensen: It's the get back to work dance.
Jared: In the future, I won't do that anymore. That I can control, the rest of it is outta my hands, I'm trying to make peace with that. Ackles?
Jensen: Uh, what's next? Probably a haircut.
Audience: [laughs and cheers]
Jared: Thank God! I do want to really quickly [rests a hand on Jensen's shoulder, cracks up], I want to acknowledge that you said haircut and 98% of the people went [throws up hands] WOO!
Jensen: They get me.
Jared: I'm gonna get a haircut, too.
Audience: NOOOOO!
Jared: The fuck, guys? He got cheers and I'm getting booed?
Jensen: Okay, now I'm sweating.
Jared: You look handsome no matter what. Yeah, let's get some boos for that.
Jensen: Uh, I don't know what is - I mean, there are a few things on the horizon. I was speaking about this a little bit in the meet & greet yesterday. Like Jared said, those conversations are now starting to happen now that the strike is somewhat concluded. So just had a conversation this past week about some upcoming possibilities, some projects. So yeah, I don't think anything's really - nothing's popping off this year. Like, it'll all be spring when - because by the time these scripts get greenlit and then they have to staff up and then they have to cast and there's a lot of preproduction that goes into doing these projects. So nothing is - I think the soonest anything would really happen, if it's not already like [points at Jared] locked and loaded, ready to go, like Walker? Would probably be the springtime. You know. So I would probably say March, I might have a call sheet. But when I do, I will let you know -