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Enticed by otherworldly television, @JensenAckles holds the legacy as one of the leads in Supernatural, currently the longest-running prime-time American Sci-Fi show in history. As the show draws to a close after a monumental 15 seasons, Ackles reflects on the its impact and his upcoming role in Amazon’s comedic superhero series, The Boys. "I don’t want to always watch something that’s real life. I’m living that right now so I find myself gravitating towards these roles that aren’t necessarily living in what we know and perceive as reality. When I caught the first episode of The Boys, I was just hooked."

Enticed by otherworldly television, @JensenAckles holds the legacy as one of the leads in Supernatural, currently the longest-running prime-time American Sci-Fi show in history. As the show draws to a close after a monumental 15 seasons, Ackles reflects on the its impact and his upcoming role in Amazon’s comedic superhero series, The Boys. "I don’t want to always watch something that’s real life. I’m living that right now so I find myself gravitating towards these roles that aren’t necessarily living in what we know and perceive as reality. When I caught the first episode of The Boys, I was just hooked."