Не могу с них. Сначала один другого назвал котярой, потом второй нахвалил игру на гитаре. Джаред похвастался, что Дженсен купил им рубашки и ему с "плавниками". Ну конечно, это же для твоих гигантских мышц спины. И как Джаред все время смущается, когда Дженсен говорит ему комплименты 

JP: Did anyone see this cat sing his brains out last night?
JA: How about the soothing guitar sounds of Jared Padalecki?
JA: Your album's dropping this month, isn't it?
JP: Yeah, we're taking the pictures today.
JP: That's what the Santa dabbing [shirt] is for.
JA: It's not... never mind.
JP: Then what is he doing?
JA: He's doing the hula dance!
JP: I have fins!
JA: That's for your giant back muscles.
JA: I can see them.
JP: That was amazing.

JP: Did anyone see this cat sing his brains out last night?
JA: How about the soothing guitar sounds of Jared Padalecki?
JA: Your album's dropping this month, isn't it?
JP: Yeah, we're taking the pictures today.
JP: That's what the Santa dabbing [shirt] is for.
JA: It's not... never mind.
JP: Then what is he doing?
JA: He's doing the hula dance!
JP: I have fins!
JA: That's for your giant back muscles.
JA: I can see them.
JP: That was amazing.