Прошел у нас очередной кон. Никто уже не делает переводов или краткого содержания конов. Девушка, которая собирала твитты, уже написала, что с 1 января больше не будет это делать. Так что, придется всем смотреть самим с гугл переводчиком ютуба. Из интересного. Дженсен был в куртке, которую позаимствовал со съемок Бескрайнего неба. Он уже не в первый раз появляется в одежде со съемок этого сериала, видимо ему нравится как одевают Бо. На завтраке пил кофе из стакана с Солдатиком, который ему подарила фанатка, очень был доволен. Во время съемок СПН ребятам предлагали сниматься в разных проектах, но они не пошли и не жалеют об этом. Дженсен конкретно сказал, что мог бы сняться в Дедпуле, но наверное к лучшему, что не получилось, потому что там снималась его бывшая девушка. Имени не называл, поэтому народ гадает и точно не называл какую конкретно роль предлагали. Он об этом говорил еще на 16 Асилуме, сказал, что его ждет 12 сезон. Джаред сказал расплывчато, что были проекты, но они предпочли сериал. Одетт и Зепп учатся в одном классе. Зеппа и Эрроу разделили, что может быть и хорошо. Джаред сказал, что хорошо, что разделили Одетт и Эрроу, потому что вместе они просто кошмар.
Говорили о братской связи.
Джаред: у братьев есть встроенный лучший друг. У меня это с моим братом, с Дженсеном. У Сэма с Дином
Дженсен: когда мы с Джаром встречаемся лицом к лицу, это как братан! Мне так много нужно тебе сказать! Джаред: или мы машем рукой при расставании.

англ.Previous question ends with the fan telling this joke: Well you know how they call relations with three people a threesome and with two people a twosome? And now you know why everybody calls you handsome.
Jared: [pointedly looks at his hand] I like it [sniffs hand, audience ewws]. Uhh, next question!
Jensen: No, let’s dive into that a little bit.
Jared: [makes cut gesture] Let’s not, let’s not.
Jensen: Let’s - I just wanna get a handle on that.
Jared: Were we in Palm Springs?
Jensen: Oh-kay.
Question: [Aside about Surprise Arizona.] We are all here and we’re melting and fawning over you guys -
Jared: He is handsome [points back at previous fan]!
Question: You are way more better looking in person than you are on tv, just so you know.
Jensen: He looks terrible on camera.
Question: So my question is, who out there - musicians, actors - do you find that, either you’ve already met or you would like to meet that you would fawn over and maybe fanboy over?
Jared: I think for me, more often than not, because I’ve worked and been around a lot of actors and actresses that I really respect and admire, for me it’s more musicians. Like I met Eddie Vedder and embarrassed myself and was like, ‘Aw, man.’
Jensen: [nodding] Yes, he did.
Jared: So I think maybe for - I don’t watch tv a lot, but I listen to music all the time, and so maybe the relationship that some of y'all have with us where we’re kind of always background noise? You know like, 'Oh, I’m doing the dishes, I’ll throw this on’ like we’re in your home. So being a big fan of tv shows and rewatching movies over and over again - you watch them in your bedroom, you watch them in the kitchen, you watch them in the living room, so it’s always like a soundtrack to your life? So I think the soundtrack to my life is literally soundtrack, or you know, music. So probably musicians, like if I met Dave Grohl, I’d probably freak out. Like Thom Yorke or something.
Jensen: Yeah, I’d probably agree with Jared, I’m thinking like who would I go and watch and be in awe of, and let’s see when was the last time I did that? And it was when I saw Robert Plant play. I was just like [exaggerated expression of openmouthed astonishment]. Everybody else around me was like jammin’ out and I’m just like [makes expression again]. He probably saw me and was like, 'Weirdo.’
Jared: But handsome!
Jensen: [laughs] I will say you reminded me of something when you said you’re better looking in person? Which I don’t agree with you, but thank you. Um, someone who we actually saw in real life and [to Jared] I don’t know if you, we didn’t touch on it too much, but I just remember going, like [offended], 'Come on!’ Jared Leto -
Jared: [gets look of realization] Oh yeah!
Jensen: - is like, grossly pretty in real life. Yes. Like I mean the guy is like [gestures] he’s pretty but in real life you’re like, 'You’re not real.’
Jared: Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense, deal with the devil. And also -
Jensen: And he’s 50! And he looks like he’s 22! Jerk. I’d slap him if I had the opportunity.
Jared: Margot Robbie. We saw Margot Robbie at the Scream awards when we were presenting to Kripke years ago and before she’d done Wolf of Wall Street - she’d done something but she wasn’t yet [quote fingers] Margot Robbie Margot Robbie. And we had just presented and then she was coming onstage while we were going offstage, it was like, 'Hey, this is-’ 'Hey, nice to meet you.’ We both were like, 'My god she’s, there’s nothing wro-’
Jensen: Flawless.
Jared: She’s a pretty flawless-looking human.
Jensen: I saw, I was at some weird event and I happened to walk, literally brush shoulders with Cindy Crawford. And this was like, maybe five years ago. And I was just like, 'Stop it.’
Q: So you do have those people that when you see -
Jensen: Oh, sure.
Jared: Sure, yeah.
Q: Because we see you all as superstars and -
Jared: Go on.
Q: there are those times that we just [unintelligible] oh baby -
Jensen: Oh yeah. I remember looking at Cindy Crawford as she’s walking by and in my head I was like, 'Stop staring, stop staring, stop staring, stop staring.’ And in reality, I was like this [intense tracking stare].
Jared: And she was like, 'That guy’s weird … but handsome!’
Jared: I had to think for a second, cause I woke up, I don’t know about you, but I woke up this morning, it was one of those, ‘I know I’m not home, where … Ah, Scottsdale!’
Audience: Glendale!
Jared: I woke up in Scottsdale! I am now in Glendale. And happy to be here. Where’s Scottsdale? Arizona.
Jensen: Where in Scottsdale? Some hotel.
Jared: Sanctuary? That sounds right. Well, we’re not going back tonight, so…
Jensen: That’s right, uh, I woke up this morning and I was like [confused face]. I had a where am I, because it was all blackout curtains, it was still dark? The place that I’m staying in Albuquerque where we’re shooting Big Sky, there is no blackout. So at like, 7 am it’s just like [gestures at his face, blows air] SUNLIGHT! It sucks. I don’t know why I haven’t just duct taped a blanket up there, but - you know what, I am. [Jared laughs] I’m gonna do that tonight when I get home -
Jared: Where am I, where are my clothes?
Jensen: Just be like [mimes using duct tape with sound effects]. That’s what I’m gonna do.
Jared: I’ll bring the duct tape. Uh, well, good to see you guys. It’s been a while. For those of you that I missed in Vancouver, I’m so sorry.
Jensen: Yeah, yeah. You are.
Jared: I am. I am, I was so bummed, I mean I haven’t been there in two years and to find out on Friday that you have the 'VID for the third time. Anybody have me beat? Anybody have it like four? Once? Who’s had it the most? Can anybody beat three? Winning [fist pump]! I should stop licking parking meters. Like, that might be -
Jensen: Or people’s faces.
Jared: Yeah, I should stop that. I’m not gonna stop that.
Jensen: By the way, that’s an added photo op today. Jared will lick your face.
Jared: I might have like amazing immunity right now -
Jensen: But you’re gonna get COVID because he’s a walking petri dish over here.
Jared: […] phenomenal immunity, because I’ve now been through Strep, COVID, my kids got flu last week, so I’ve had all the antibiotics I think that ever existed by pharmaceutical companies in the last 30 days. I’ll let you know how it goes. Beyond that, thanks for bringing us out here. It was also nice to get away. [To Jensen] You’ve been in New Mexico, so you haven’t had this problem, but it’s been like 80 degrees in Austin for the last … six months.
Jensen: Gross.
Jared: Yeah, it was gross. So I got to bring a scarf, it was nice. I like my scarf. [Jensen laughs] But let’s get to chatting with you guys.
Q: I was just wondering if there was a story arc that got cut off at any point that you were kind of disappointed, because there’s been a few times where there’s lots of different stories that they do and some of them just kinda ended pretty quickly?
Jared: Just a few times? [laughs]
Jensen: Yeah. Quite a lot, actually. I would say I’ve got my top two are Michael for me, I wish I could have played that a little longer. And then Purgatory.
Jared: Yeah, I would have liked to have seen more of Sam as a father, but we didn’t have a whole lot of time left in the episode, so.
Jensen [singing]: What we need is a montage!
Jared: Supernatural Team America [both laughing]. Yeah, I had a fun time maybe it was season 2? We were able to play it out over the season, but when Sam is kind of realizing that he might be different and he has powers but so do other people? I really liked it a lot. I loved playing Gadreel, and, but again they let me do it for a while, like, I wish we saw more Michael [pointing to Jensen].
[Discussion thereafter devolves into a long back and forth about Gadreel where Jensen is confused about when they knew Jared was playing which angel and Jared is possibly confused about whether he or Tahmoh played Gadreel first and what season it happened in.]
Q: You two have such a close relationship, now that you’re both so busy with other projects, what do you guys do to keep your friendship close?
Jensen: You’re lookin’ at it.
Jared: Avoid each other as much as possible. [beat] You know, I think when you make - and maybe this goes back to Mercedes’ question earlier? One of the things I’ve learned now that I’m a 40 year old husband and father and met a lot of people? Is when you’re really close with somebody, when you trust them and they trust you back? You don’t have to call each other every day. My brother who was my best man at my wedding and best friend y'know outside of my wife and whatnot? He lives a ten minute drive away. We’ll go six weeks without texting each other. I mean, we see each other, it’s like, ‘Hey.’ Like no time has passed. And so I always kind of, I think with friends you’ve been through a lot with, it’s kind of like you can pick up where you left off. And he has three little ones of his own and I have three little ones, and he’s in a different state currently. But when we get a chance to kinda get back together and download and like, 'Alright, see ya when I see ya.’ I think I always know that he has my back and vice versa.
Jensen: It’s kind of - when you’ve spent as much time together as he and I have, you’ve covered a lot of topics, a lot of subjects, and you pretty much know where each other stands on just about everything. So the fact that we actually - you know, there’s long stretches where we don’t, aren’t getting facetime? When we do it’s like, 'Bro! [slaps Jared’s shoulder] I have so much to tell you!’ I think it’ll always be like that, it’s just easy. In fact, with all these guys. We all have lives and all have different jobs and we come together for these things once or sometimes even twice a month and it’s - it literally feels like getting the band back together every time it happens. And so it’s - Or we’ll just [gestures at Jared] wave at each other at drop off.
Jared: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it goes back to, again, being present. Y'know Jensen - It’s funny, because I’ve always felt this way about myself and I’ve seen it with him as well? To be an actor, he talked about earlier, when they call action there’s nothing else. Nothing else exists. You have to be present, you can’t be thinking about whether or not you left your garage door open or the bill that you forgot to send the check for that’s due tomorrow. Or whatever. It just goes to I’m here in the moment. And so that’s the way we live our lives. When we’re here with y'all? You know we have wives and kids, but we’re here with y'all. So we’re here with y'all. And then when we’re with our wives and kids, we’re with our wives and kids. And then when we’re on set, we’re with our cast and our crew. So it never feels like, 'Man, why didn’t he call me?’ It’s like, oh, I know what he would have said, if I said like, 'Hey I have this problem’, we’ve been through so much, if I was like, 'Hey, dude, I have a weird feeling about this … plumber or whatever.’ I’d know, he’d be like, 'Well, you could call -’ So I know what he would say so that when I’m with him I don’t have to talk about dumb shit, I can check in on his family and vice versa. Uh, he can call whenever and I can call whenever and we have and we will continue, but I know how busy I am and I know how busy he is, so.
Jensen: It’s also something we’re very used to. I mean, we’ve lived pretty much our entire adult life being out on the road, being away from loved ones - having long distance between a lot of the relationships - whether family, friends, y'know, girlfriends, spouse. So it’s something that he and I are very familiar with, it’s very much normal for us to go long stretches without seeing someone that you hold so dear. But at the same time, it’s like he said, I’m here. Like right now, my wife and kids are at a monster truck rally. I’d love to be there.
Jared: I’m going. [gets up like he’s going to leave]
Jensen: But I’m not because I’m loving being here. And so I know - that’s just, that’s just what it is. And they got no problem with it, and I got no problem with it and it’s just our life, that’s our normal. So, anyway.
Q: This is for either one of you guys, you can answer it. Who was your favorite person on the entire cast to work with?
[ongoing joke about Arizona place names]
Jensen: Um, favorite, favorite, favorite person to work with -
Jared: I think our answers are both pretty obvious.
Jensen: That’s - yeah, I will say that it would be hard to pick one. Obviously I think that there’s a reason why the show lasted as long as it did and it was because - I was clearly his favorite. [Jared nods] But no, I mean, my favorite [puts hand on Jared’s shoulder] Rob Benedict.
Jared: God. [looks for rimshot] God! He played - [shakes head]. Yeah, that’s a great question, a difficult question. Obviously he and I saw so much of each other over fifteen years that if we didn’t greatly enjoy working together [Jensen nods] we wouldn’t all be here right now. But it was very fun to meet my now wife and mother of my kids on set. And if she happens to watch Youtube video of your question and I don’t say her I’m gonna be in deep trouble, sleeping outside.
Jensen: Oh, yeah, uh, Sister Jo.
Jared: And that’s it, that’s all I remember. Kidding. Who was your favorite person to watch - not, you can’t use us. If we were that answer. Who besides Sam, Dean, and Castiel did you like watching?
Q: Ummm … I gotta say Trickster.
Jared: Alright! He was awesome.
Jensen: It’s nice to meet Richard’s one fan. I didn’t know - I figured there was one out there, but that’s -
Q: Bobby.
Jared: Bobby’s awesome, yeah, love Bobby.
Jensen: There’s a lot to choose from.
Q: I’m kinda nervous so I wrote down my question.
Jared: What was that first part?
Q: Kinda nervous so I wrote down -
Jared: Oh! Don’t worry about it, it’s not like there are a thousand people staring at you! Kidding, you’re surrounded by family.
Q: While working on Supernatural were you offered any other roles you wish you would have taken?
Jared: Soldier Boy [looks at Jensen for the laugh]. Uh, kidding, I was not. Um …[funny indecisive noise]. That’s two different answers. Was I offered other roles - and I’ll let him answer for himself though I know the answer. I was offered other roles - movies and bits here and there. And the second part was, am I sad we didn’t - what was the second part, are we sad that we didn’t accept? [Jensen: Yeah.] The answer to that is no. [Jensen nods] Yeah, there were several, well I say several [mockingly] ‘We’re kind of a big deal’. Not like that, but you know when you’re shooting a tv show, you’re pretty much busy from July to April let’s call it - school season, school year. And so they’re like, 'Hey, well, there’s these young guys on a tv show, we’d love them in a movie. There are four, five, six movies shooting this summer that they’d be great for. He and I both did that between season three and four, and we were like well we have two months off for the writers’ strike, so yeah it was kind of like a hiatus, I guess we can go ahead and work this summer. Great time shooting the movie, awful time going from the movie back to Vancouver to shoot another nine months. It really taught - helped me understand the value of my time, what my time is worth to me, to my friends, to my family, to myself, to my own mental health to be able to kinda wind down before running another marathon. So I don’t have any regrets for movies. And not that they were throwing movie offers at me but they were like, 'Hey, you know we’ll get Jared and Jensen and four other guys, roughly the same to be this role’ And I was like, 'Ehh, nah, I’d rather hang out.’ So I’m not upset that I didn’t take more on.
Jensen: Yeah, I don’t regret not being able to do anything that was a possibility, but I do [Jared looks back surprised], you know I do wish that I could have made it happen? But I’m not sad that it didn’t. [Jared nods] There was definitely a movie that I was very much in talks about and was trading emails and calls with the director and we still had to - Had I been available, I wasn’t available, so the train just kind of stopped there, but had I been available? I would have had to jump through the studio hoops and jump through the producer hoops and stuff, but I had a really good shot and it’s a movie that I really, really like. So I’m like, every time I watch it I’m like, 'Aw, that would have been fun to have been a part of that!’ [silent exchange with Jared about if he can say what it was in response to audience question] Deadpool. It was probably a good thing, because my ex-girlfriend was on there and so that probably would have been awkward, so. It probably worked out for the best, but I do love that movie and I think that whole cast was amazing, so I probably would have messed that up for a lot of people had I been a part of it [Jared laughs]. Probably for the best I didn’t but, ugh, that would have been cool. Thanks.
Следующий кон у нас в Нешвиле 16-18 декабря
Говорили о братской связи.
Джаред: у братьев есть встроенный лучший друг. У меня это с моим братом, с Дженсеном. У Сэма с Дином
Дженсен: когда мы с Джаром встречаемся лицом к лицу, это как братан! Мне так много нужно тебе сказать! Джаред: или мы машем рукой при расставании.
англ.Previous question ends with the fan telling this joke: Well you know how they call relations with three people a threesome and with two people a twosome? And now you know why everybody calls you handsome.
Jared: [pointedly looks at his hand] I like it [sniffs hand, audience ewws]. Uhh, next question!
Jensen: No, let’s dive into that a little bit.
Jared: [makes cut gesture] Let’s not, let’s not.
Jensen: Let’s - I just wanna get a handle on that.
Jared: Were we in Palm Springs?
Jensen: Oh-kay.
Question: [Aside about Surprise Arizona.] We are all here and we’re melting and fawning over you guys -
Jared: He is handsome [points back at previous fan]!
Question: You are way more better looking in person than you are on tv, just so you know.
Jensen: He looks terrible on camera.
Question: So my question is, who out there - musicians, actors - do you find that, either you’ve already met or you would like to meet that you would fawn over and maybe fanboy over?
Jared: I think for me, more often than not, because I’ve worked and been around a lot of actors and actresses that I really respect and admire, for me it’s more musicians. Like I met Eddie Vedder and embarrassed myself and was like, ‘Aw, man.’
Jensen: [nodding] Yes, he did.
Jared: So I think maybe for - I don’t watch tv a lot, but I listen to music all the time, and so maybe the relationship that some of y'all have with us where we’re kind of always background noise? You know like, 'Oh, I’m doing the dishes, I’ll throw this on’ like we’re in your home. So being a big fan of tv shows and rewatching movies over and over again - you watch them in your bedroom, you watch them in the kitchen, you watch them in the living room, so it’s always like a soundtrack to your life? So I think the soundtrack to my life is literally soundtrack, or you know, music. So probably musicians, like if I met Dave Grohl, I’d probably freak out. Like Thom Yorke or something.
Jensen: Yeah, I’d probably agree with Jared, I’m thinking like who would I go and watch and be in awe of, and let’s see when was the last time I did that? And it was when I saw Robert Plant play. I was just like [exaggerated expression of openmouthed astonishment]. Everybody else around me was like jammin’ out and I’m just like [makes expression again]. He probably saw me and was like, 'Weirdo.’
Jared: But handsome!
Jensen: [laughs] I will say you reminded me of something when you said you’re better looking in person? Which I don’t agree with you, but thank you. Um, someone who we actually saw in real life and [to Jared] I don’t know if you, we didn’t touch on it too much, but I just remember going, like [offended], 'Come on!’ Jared Leto -
Jared: [gets look of realization] Oh yeah!
Jensen: - is like, grossly pretty in real life. Yes. Like I mean the guy is like [gestures] he’s pretty but in real life you’re like, 'You’re not real.’
Jared: Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense, deal with the devil. And also -
Jensen: And he’s 50! And he looks like he’s 22! Jerk. I’d slap him if I had the opportunity.
Jared: Margot Robbie. We saw Margot Robbie at the Scream awards when we were presenting to Kripke years ago and before she’d done Wolf of Wall Street - she’d done something but she wasn’t yet [quote fingers] Margot Robbie Margot Robbie. And we had just presented and then she was coming onstage while we were going offstage, it was like, 'Hey, this is-’ 'Hey, nice to meet you.’ We both were like, 'My god she’s, there’s nothing wro-’
Jensen: Flawless.
Jared: She’s a pretty flawless-looking human.
Jensen: I saw, I was at some weird event and I happened to walk, literally brush shoulders with Cindy Crawford. And this was like, maybe five years ago. And I was just like, 'Stop it.’
Q: So you do have those people that when you see -
Jensen: Oh, sure.
Jared: Sure, yeah.
Q: Because we see you all as superstars and -
Jared: Go on.
Q: there are those times that we just [unintelligible] oh baby -
Jensen: Oh yeah. I remember looking at Cindy Crawford as she’s walking by and in my head I was like, 'Stop staring, stop staring, stop staring, stop staring.’ And in reality, I was like this [intense tracking stare].
Jared: And she was like, 'That guy’s weird … but handsome!’
Jared: I had to think for a second, cause I woke up, I don’t know about you, but I woke up this morning, it was one of those, ‘I know I’m not home, where … Ah, Scottsdale!’
Audience: Glendale!
Jared: I woke up in Scottsdale! I am now in Glendale. And happy to be here. Where’s Scottsdale? Arizona.
Jensen: Where in Scottsdale? Some hotel.
Jared: Sanctuary? That sounds right. Well, we’re not going back tonight, so…
Jensen: That’s right, uh, I woke up this morning and I was like [confused face]. I had a where am I, because it was all blackout curtains, it was still dark? The place that I’m staying in Albuquerque where we’re shooting Big Sky, there is no blackout. So at like, 7 am it’s just like [gestures at his face, blows air] SUNLIGHT! It sucks. I don’t know why I haven’t just duct taped a blanket up there, but - you know what, I am. [Jared laughs] I’m gonna do that tonight when I get home -
Jared: Where am I, where are my clothes?
Jensen: Just be like [mimes using duct tape with sound effects]. That’s what I’m gonna do.
Jared: I’ll bring the duct tape. Uh, well, good to see you guys. It’s been a while. For those of you that I missed in Vancouver, I’m so sorry.
Jensen: Yeah, yeah. You are.
Jared: I am. I am, I was so bummed, I mean I haven’t been there in two years and to find out on Friday that you have the 'VID for the third time. Anybody have me beat? Anybody have it like four? Once? Who’s had it the most? Can anybody beat three? Winning [fist pump]! I should stop licking parking meters. Like, that might be -
Jensen: Or people’s faces.
Jared: Yeah, I should stop that. I’m not gonna stop that.
Jensen: By the way, that’s an added photo op today. Jared will lick your face.
Jared: I might have like amazing immunity right now -
Jensen: But you’re gonna get COVID because he’s a walking petri dish over here.
Jared: […] phenomenal immunity, because I’ve now been through Strep, COVID, my kids got flu last week, so I’ve had all the antibiotics I think that ever existed by pharmaceutical companies in the last 30 days. I’ll let you know how it goes. Beyond that, thanks for bringing us out here. It was also nice to get away. [To Jensen] You’ve been in New Mexico, so you haven’t had this problem, but it’s been like 80 degrees in Austin for the last … six months.
Jensen: Gross.
Jared: Yeah, it was gross. So I got to bring a scarf, it was nice. I like my scarf. [Jensen laughs] But let’s get to chatting with you guys.
Q: I was just wondering if there was a story arc that got cut off at any point that you were kind of disappointed, because there’s been a few times where there’s lots of different stories that they do and some of them just kinda ended pretty quickly?
Jared: Just a few times? [laughs]
Jensen: Yeah. Quite a lot, actually. I would say I’ve got my top two are Michael for me, I wish I could have played that a little longer. And then Purgatory.
Jared: Yeah, I would have liked to have seen more of Sam as a father, but we didn’t have a whole lot of time left in the episode, so.
Jensen [singing]: What we need is a montage!
Jared: Supernatural Team America [both laughing]. Yeah, I had a fun time maybe it was season 2? We were able to play it out over the season, but when Sam is kind of realizing that he might be different and he has powers but so do other people? I really liked it a lot. I loved playing Gadreel, and, but again they let me do it for a while, like, I wish we saw more Michael [pointing to Jensen].
[Discussion thereafter devolves into a long back and forth about Gadreel where Jensen is confused about when they knew Jared was playing which angel and Jared is possibly confused about whether he or Tahmoh played Gadreel first and what season it happened in.]
Q: You two have such a close relationship, now that you’re both so busy with other projects, what do you guys do to keep your friendship close?
Jensen: You’re lookin’ at it.
Jared: Avoid each other as much as possible. [beat] You know, I think when you make - and maybe this goes back to Mercedes’ question earlier? One of the things I’ve learned now that I’m a 40 year old husband and father and met a lot of people? Is when you’re really close with somebody, when you trust them and they trust you back? You don’t have to call each other every day. My brother who was my best man at my wedding and best friend y'know outside of my wife and whatnot? He lives a ten minute drive away. We’ll go six weeks without texting each other. I mean, we see each other, it’s like, ‘Hey.’ Like no time has passed. And so I always kind of, I think with friends you’ve been through a lot with, it’s kind of like you can pick up where you left off. And he has three little ones of his own and I have three little ones, and he’s in a different state currently. But when we get a chance to kinda get back together and download and like, 'Alright, see ya when I see ya.’ I think I always know that he has my back and vice versa.
Jensen: It’s kind of - when you’ve spent as much time together as he and I have, you’ve covered a lot of topics, a lot of subjects, and you pretty much know where each other stands on just about everything. So the fact that we actually - you know, there’s long stretches where we don’t, aren’t getting facetime? When we do it’s like, 'Bro! [slaps Jared’s shoulder] I have so much to tell you!’ I think it’ll always be like that, it’s just easy. In fact, with all these guys. We all have lives and all have different jobs and we come together for these things once or sometimes even twice a month and it’s - it literally feels like getting the band back together every time it happens. And so it’s - Or we’ll just [gestures at Jared] wave at each other at drop off.
Jared: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it goes back to, again, being present. Y'know Jensen - It’s funny, because I’ve always felt this way about myself and I’ve seen it with him as well? To be an actor, he talked about earlier, when they call action there’s nothing else. Nothing else exists. You have to be present, you can’t be thinking about whether or not you left your garage door open or the bill that you forgot to send the check for that’s due tomorrow. Or whatever. It just goes to I’m here in the moment. And so that’s the way we live our lives. When we’re here with y'all? You know we have wives and kids, but we’re here with y'all. So we’re here with y'all. And then when we’re with our wives and kids, we’re with our wives and kids. And then when we’re on set, we’re with our cast and our crew. So it never feels like, 'Man, why didn’t he call me?’ It’s like, oh, I know what he would have said, if I said like, 'Hey I have this problem’, we’ve been through so much, if I was like, 'Hey, dude, I have a weird feeling about this … plumber or whatever.’ I’d know, he’d be like, 'Well, you could call -’ So I know what he would say so that when I’m with him I don’t have to talk about dumb shit, I can check in on his family and vice versa. Uh, he can call whenever and I can call whenever and we have and we will continue, but I know how busy I am and I know how busy he is, so.
Jensen: It’s also something we’re very used to. I mean, we’ve lived pretty much our entire adult life being out on the road, being away from loved ones - having long distance between a lot of the relationships - whether family, friends, y'know, girlfriends, spouse. So it’s something that he and I are very familiar with, it’s very much normal for us to go long stretches without seeing someone that you hold so dear. But at the same time, it’s like he said, I’m here. Like right now, my wife and kids are at a monster truck rally. I’d love to be there.
Jared: I’m going. [gets up like he’s going to leave]
Jensen: But I’m not because I’m loving being here. And so I know - that’s just, that’s just what it is. And they got no problem with it, and I got no problem with it and it’s just our life, that’s our normal. So, anyway.
Q: This is for either one of you guys, you can answer it. Who was your favorite person on the entire cast to work with?
[ongoing joke about Arizona place names]
Jensen: Um, favorite, favorite, favorite person to work with -
Jared: I think our answers are both pretty obvious.
Jensen: That’s - yeah, I will say that it would be hard to pick one. Obviously I think that there’s a reason why the show lasted as long as it did and it was because - I was clearly his favorite. [Jared nods] But no, I mean, my favorite [puts hand on Jared’s shoulder] Rob Benedict.
Jared: God. [looks for rimshot] God! He played - [shakes head]. Yeah, that’s a great question, a difficult question. Obviously he and I saw so much of each other over fifteen years that if we didn’t greatly enjoy working together [Jensen nods] we wouldn’t all be here right now. But it was very fun to meet my now wife and mother of my kids on set. And if she happens to watch Youtube video of your question and I don’t say her I’m gonna be in deep trouble, sleeping outside.
Jensen: Oh, yeah, uh, Sister Jo.
Jared: And that’s it, that’s all I remember. Kidding. Who was your favorite person to watch - not, you can’t use us. If we were that answer. Who besides Sam, Dean, and Castiel did you like watching?
Q: Ummm … I gotta say Trickster.
Jared: Alright! He was awesome.
Jensen: It’s nice to meet Richard’s one fan. I didn’t know - I figured there was one out there, but that’s -
Q: Bobby.
Jared: Bobby’s awesome, yeah, love Bobby.
Jensen: There’s a lot to choose from.
Q: I’m kinda nervous so I wrote down my question.
Jared: What was that first part?
Q: Kinda nervous so I wrote down -
Jared: Oh! Don’t worry about it, it’s not like there are a thousand people staring at you! Kidding, you’re surrounded by family.
Q: While working on Supernatural were you offered any other roles you wish you would have taken?
Jared: Soldier Boy [looks at Jensen for the laugh]. Uh, kidding, I was not. Um …[funny indecisive noise]. That’s two different answers. Was I offered other roles - and I’ll let him answer for himself though I know the answer. I was offered other roles - movies and bits here and there. And the second part was, am I sad we didn’t - what was the second part, are we sad that we didn’t accept? [Jensen: Yeah.] The answer to that is no. [Jensen nods] Yeah, there were several, well I say several [mockingly] ‘We’re kind of a big deal’. Not like that, but you know when you’re shooting a tv show, you’re pretty much busy from July to April let’s call it - school season, school year. And so they’re like, 'Hey, well, there’s these young guys on a tv show, we’d love them in a movie. There are four, five, six movies shooting this summer that they’d be great for. He and I both did that between season three and four, and we were like well we have two months off for the writers’ strike, so yeah it was kind of like a hiatus, I guess we can go ahead and work this summer. Great time shooting the movie, awful time going from the movie back to Vancouver to shoot another nine months. It really taught - helped me understand the value of my time, what my time is worth to me, to my friends, to my family, to myself, to my own mental health to be able to kinda wind down before running another marathon. So I don’t have any regrets for movies. And not that they were throwing movie offers at me but they were like, 'Hey, you know we’ll get Jared and Jensen and four other guys, roughly the same to be this role’ And I was like, 'Ehh, nah, I’d rather hang out.’ So I’m not upset that I didn’t take more on.
Jensen: Yeah, I don’t regret not being able to do anything that was a possibility, but I do [Jared looks back surprised], you know I do wish that I could have made it happen? But I’m not sad that it didn’t. [Jared nods] There was definitely a movie that I was very much in talks about and was trading emails and calls with the director and we still had to - Had I been available, I wasn’t available, so the train just kind of stopped there, but had I been available? I would have had to jump through the studio hoops and jump through the producer hoops and stuff, but I had a really good shot and it’s a movie that I really, really like. So I’m like, every time I watch it I’m like, 'Aw, that would have been fun to have been a part of that!’ [silent exchange with Jared about if he can say what it was in response to audience question] Deadpool. It was probably a good thing, because my ex-girlfriend was on there and so that probably would have been awkward, so. It probably worked out for the best, but I do love that movie and I think that whole cast was amazing, so I probably would have messed that up for a lot of people had I been a part of it [Jared laughs]. Probably for the best I didn’t but, ugh, that would have been cool. Thanks.
Следующий кон у нас в Нешвиле 16-18 декабря
Спросили, как они сохраняют свою дружбу.
Джаред: Теперь, когда мне сорок, и у меня есть опыт, я понял, что когда ты действительно с кем-то близок и доверяешь ему, а он тебе, уже не обязательно звонить каждый день. Мой брат был моим шафером на свадьбе, он мой лучший друг, и он живет в десяти минутах езды от меня. Так мы с ним часто по шесть недель вообще не разговариваем. И когда встречаемся, то как будто вчера виделись. С лучшими друзьями всегда так, как будто и не расставались. У Дженсена трое маленьких детей, у меня тоже, он сейчас живет в другом штате, но когда мы видимся и общаемся, то мы знаем, что он меня поддерживает, а я его.
Дженсен: Когда ты с кем-то проводишь столько много времени, как мы с Джаредом, то за это время можно обсудить и поговорить вообще обо всем, и мы знали, что каждый из нас думает о разных вещах. Поэтому теперь, когда мы долго не видимся, а потом встречаемся, мы такие "Бро, мы столько всего надо тебе рассказать!" Так всегда и будет между нами, это легко.
Джаред: Как Дженсен сказал ранее, когда ты в кадре, больше ничего не существует, ты ни о чем другом не думаешь и живешь моментом, и когда ты дома с семьей, то ты думаешь только о них, когда ты на коне с фанатами, то ты думаешь о фанатах. Поэтому никогда не бывает так "Почему ты мне не позвонил?" Когда мы вместе, мы не говорим о пустяках, потому что мы и так знаем, что каждый из нас об этом думает. Я звоню ему в любое время, он тоже мне звонит, и так будет и дальше.
Дженсен: За нашу карьеру мы привыкли, что долго не видимся с дорогими для нас людьми. Для нас с Джаредом это нормально. Но в то же время, как он сказал, мы всегда рядом, когда нужно.
Про детей.
Дженсен: Дети иногда спрашивают меня, кто у меня любимый ребенок.
Джаред: И ты говоришь им правду?
Дженсен: Да, я говорю "ДжейДжей". Потому что я знаю ее дольше. И после этого Эрроу идет и рисует для меня злые картинки - "папа упал в колодец", "папа упал с дерева". Она когда-нибудь меня убьет, точно вам говорю.
Джаред: А у меня наоборот. Моя любимица - Одетт, потому что у нее было меньше времени меня злить.
Дженсен: Хотя зная Одетт, я уверен, что она тебя злила больше, чем мальчики вместе взятые.
Джаред: Это точно.
Дженсен: Одетт и Зеппелин учатся в одном классе. В школе умно поступили, разделив Эрроу и Одетт, потому что мир...
Джаред: Мир был бы в огне.
Дженсен: Это был бы конец всему, если бы эти двое объединились.
Джаред: Они были бы как Амара и Чак.
No, there's been no change in their relationship since the prequel stuff. As I've said multiple times, both my source at TW and Jared have said that Jensen was told to add in Dean by the network and he didn't start out to make a series featuring him excluding Jared. I mean, just look at the show. There's barely any Dean in it. You could cut him out and not miss a thing.
Both people behind the scenes and Jensen himself have shown that he's not heavily involved in production. He got some basic facts wrong when talking about it at Jibcon. He said himself that they write the Dean stuff last, after the whole episode has basically been written and his voice over part is an after thought.
I mean, some of the cutest J2 stories I've ever heard have happened since prequelgate. Friends and loved ones of Jared still adore Jensen and talk about how amazing he is. I can't go into details about some of the stories, but even someone who was on set who hates Jensen still saw how close they were and how well they got on.
I know people see the cons as an act and they are actors, but there's a lot of genuine love and affection there, not just on stage, but also in conversations people have with them or things said in m&gs. Again, I can't go into detail in part because I'm not supposed to even know some of these stories, but J2 are still brothers and, as they said on stage, they will always be brothers.
Нет, в их отношениях не было никаких изменений со времен приквела. Как я уже говорил несколько раз, и мой источник в TW, и Джаред сказали, что сеть сказала Дженсену добавить Дина, и он не начинал снимать сериал с его участием, исключая Джареда. Я имею в виду, просто посмотрите на шоу. В нем почти нет Дина. Вы можете вырезать его и ничего не пропустить.
И люди за кулисами, и сам Дженсен показали, что он не слишком вовлечен в производство. Он ошибся в некоторых основных фактах, когда говорил об этом на Джибконе. Он сам сказал, что они пишут материал о Дине в последнюю очередь, после того, как весь эпизод в основном написан, а его голос за кадром - это задним числом.
Я имею в виду, что некоторые из самых милых историй о J2, которые я когда-либо слышал, произошли со времен prequelgate. Друзья и близкие Джареда до сих пор обожают Дженсена и говорят о том, какой он потрясающий. Я не могу вдаваться в подробности некоторых историй, но даже тот, кто был на съемочной площадке и ненавидит Дженсена, все же видел, насколько они были близки и как хорошо они ладили.
Я знаю, что люди видят минусы как игру, и они актеры, но в них много искренней любви и привязанности, не только на сцене, но и в разговорах с ними или в вещах, сказанных в m&gs. Опять же, я не могу вдаваться в подробности, потому что я не должен даже знать некоторые из этих историй, но J2 все еще братья и, как они сказали на сцене, они всегда будут братьями.
Он, кстати, уже не в первый раз пишет на вопросы анонов, что у Джеев все нормально. Не думаю, что он прям очень близок к Джеям, но у него много фанатов, которые бывают на МГ и к нему поступает информация и оттуда. Также есть видимо какие-то знакомства из ближнего окружения Джеев.