Арленгтон это пригород Вашингтона, поэтому Джеи как и заведено прогулялись Капитолию, фотку выложил Клиф, который с Мишей их сопровождал. Кон был очень мало информативным, особого ничего не узнали. Единственно, что Дженсен сказал, что в течение последних двух недель ездил домой, к семье, виделся с друзьями, потому что снимался в Альбукерке, а оттуда всего 4 часа езды до дома. Я почему-то решила, что они с Джаредом полетят на кон именно из Далласа, потому что ни из Санта-Фе, ни из Альбукерке нет прямых рейсов в Вашингтон, они все через Даллас. Джареда на автографах фанатка спросила про Джиб и Джаред ответил, что не сможет поехать, потому что на площадке у них кто-то заболел ковидом и съемки отменили, они выбились из графика и теперь он не сможет отпроситься, потому что будут дополнительные часы съемок. Очень жаль, что Джареда не будет, потому что панели Дженсена и Миши я всегда считаю очень скучными, а один Дженсен и так бы у нас был. Кто не может смотреть (там очень тяжелый звук )), то я принесла завтрак от англофандома

ЗавтракЗолотая панель J2 DCCon 2022
First question up is: what is their theme song?
The fan mentions that their theme song is Don't Stop Believin' by Journey, and Jared says that Separate Ways, which is also by Journey, is pretty badass then says he's gonna go with Faithfully also by that band because while he's not a musician he’s on the road a lot.
Jensen also goes with a road-themed song: On the Road Again by Willie Nelson. He says he’s been driving a lot the past couple weeks (not to nitpick but he was in Canada filming recently so timelines not a 100% accurate on his part) to see family because they're close enough it’s only like 4hrs from where he works and while driving back and forth he’s been playing a lot of Willie Nelson and that song has come up a couple times. He also mentions that he and Jared travel quite a bit and with the pandemic that wasn’t possible so it's made him realize that he truly enjoys being out on the road.
Now for absolutely no reason whatsoever I'm gonna go ahead and point out that Jared has been in Santa Fe the past couple of days just a small drive away (around an 1hr) from Jensen. Jensen who has conveniently provided the information that he's been driving a lot. Y'all do with that info what you want
Continuing on a fan who owns a bakery wants to know what is their favorite type of pie? Jared says pecan pie a la mode to which Jensen in total husband fashion says that what Jared actually likes is a little pecan pie with his ice cream
Jensen answer is either banana or coconut cream pie...so of course Jared makes a joke about bananas and coconuts. x
The third question is not a question it’s a very stupid joke but the boys banter with the person is funny so I’ll include a timestamp. x
Jensen was still thinking about the previous fans question about pie so he asked them what the best pie they make is, the answer is pumpkin. Jared makes an inappropriate joke, I had to pause
*sigh* Y'all we’re never gonna be free from prank questions. The next question is what's the best prank they've pulled on set together. Y’all know the drill they never planned pranks they just saw the opportunity to mess with someone and would take it. They say the only pranks they had planned were some they wanted to pull on MC but didn't get a chance to. x
Can they tell the story of how they met?
I know y'all probably already know the story, and I have written about it before, so this will be the quick version. Long story short they meet during auditions on the network test. By that point, Jensen had read originally for Sam but he told tptb that he wanted to read for Dean, and Jared had read for Sam but they didn't think he was a good fit at first because they wanted someone smart so his manager had to call and let them know that he is smart so they gave him a second chance so anyways they both arrive to the chemistry match network test and they were the only ones there and they start talking and the rest is history.
While telling the story they also talk a bit about how the audition process has changed, and Jensen mentions how he would try to throw the competition off their game in the audition rooms which makes Jared go into a quick non sequitur about how when G was auditioning for Wildfire there was this girl, who he and Jensen worked with, who kept trying to make it seem like she already had the role in order to mess with the heads of the others. This story had no point and no end because Jared doesn't reveal who the actress was he just tells Jensen he'll tell him later. The one time the man says something mildly interesting about that woman and he leaves out the most important detail of the story. x
What was their funniest moment or longest outtake? Jared says he has a few regrets about his time on SPN
But that his number one regret is that while they did a lot of things producers do they never got that official producer label. (baby, I regret y'all never got that label too but also spill the tea) If they had they would have kept all the gag reels and outtakes. Examples that come to his mind to answer the question are JDM getting hit in the balls when they filmed the 300th ep also Eye of the Tiger.
Jensen says he's been listening to some of the podcast thing that Benedict and Speight are doing and Taylor Cole, who played Sarah Blake, was in one of the eps and she mention how when they were filming Provenance something happened in one of the scenes and she couldn't stop giggling and Jared also couldn't stop laughing so they had to take a break because they couldn't reel it in. x
I don't know if this was the moment he was referring to but the way Jensen describes it reminds me of this moment from the s1 gag reel where Jared and Taylor are laughing and then there's jealous!Jensen in the background.
We have another non-question, a fan complimented Jensen’s cover of Simple Man that he did on Jason Mann’s cover album. Jensen tells the story of how his singing that song came about; so Jensen had agreed to be on the album but they hadn't chosen a song for him to sing so one day when Jason was in Van for something they were in Jensen's apartment and he asked him what he wanted to sing. Jensen was lightly strumming the guitar trying to come up with something and the song he was mindlessly strumming was Simple Man. Jason asked what he was playing and made Jensen sing the song and Jason liked it and said that's the song we're going with. x
On the off chance that some of you have not heard the acoustic cover, which is what's being mentioned here, that Jensen did of this song I'm gonna leave y'all a link because it's beautiful
Final question, is there a method to their acting that they’ve kept throughout the years? And a part that they’ve drastically changed?
Jared says his method has been the same since Gilmore Girls, he doesn't really memorize lines he just goes through the sсript over and over again until it's like a song that he can sing along with even if he doesn't know the name of it or the artist. He'll read it front to back at different times of the day whenever he gets the chance so when he gets to set it's so in his head that instinct takes over.
For Jensen, it's the opposite. He reads the sсript once very, very slowly. Some scenes he'll re-read a couple times till he has a good grasp of it and has a really good idea of how the scene should be played and then he'll move on and keep reading the sсript, once he gets through it he won't look at the whole thing again; he will look at the material for the next day the night before, read through it and remember how it impacted him the first time he read it, instinctually know the idea he thinks he wants to do for that scene but still not memorizing anything. Then the day off when they block it out and figure out when they wanna be that's when the words lock in because he is marrying them to his physical space. So when they go to shoot he knows the words.
He says the biggest advice he gives to young actors and actresses is that you always want to be emotionally available in a scene so if somebody's bringing something you hadn't thought of you want to be able to react to it properly.
Jared says he wouldn't recommend Jensen's method to young actors or actresses because it's very difficult to do but Jensen's a black belt in acting which is why he can do that- he admires Jensen so much
He also says that his pet peeve with scripts is when there's stage direction like 'sam cries' or 'dean breaks down' because there are times when they get there and in the moment it doesn't feel right. Says there are several scenes in SPN where the sсript doesn't mention them getting teared up but they would get teared up when filming, so he hates when emotions are written.
Jensen adds that that's the good stuff when there were things that would surprise them within the scene; the nuance of the scene and nuance of the relationship or the dialogue they would find it and that's something that he can't tell us how much he loves being a part of that with Jared. Because they would find it so quickly and so much that it would surprise them.
ПанельThe boy's chair spins so Jared starts playing with it and spinning, he's adorable.
Kicking off the questions is: How is the brewery doing? It's still kicking. Jensen says they were able to just keep their heads above water throughout the pandemic which was not easy but they're now doing fine and they just signed a distribution contract so they are growing. x
Since Crowley started feeling human emotions again after the trials and he redeemed himself do they think Jack would allow Crowley into heaven to be friends with the boys? Jensen jokes no, that he’s the King of Hell that's like being the coach for the other team. Jared says "maybe?" Jensen he doesn't think that was in the cards but with SPN anything can happen you never know. He starts to say if and when then changes it to when he and Jared decide to put the boots back on - which btw the boots Jared was wearing during this con panel are Sam's boots that he took from set - he hopes both Mark's are along for the ride. Then Jensen brings up Walker: Independence saying we’ll be seeing Mark be somebody else pretty soon and that Crowley found himself in the old west.For those that may not know Mark Sheppard is going to be in the Walker prequel, Walker: Independence. I find it so sweet that Jensen's the one who brings it up and he turns towards Jared to silently encourage him to talk about it; if we're proud of Jared for this new project I just know Jensen's feeling 10x prouder. x
Have their fans ever done anything really meaningful for them that they remember? Jared says many times, that he read something on twitter once about the money the fandom has raised for charity, and he also mentions the AKF candles from 2015 SDCC says that he still has his on his desk.
Also says that it's just as meaningful to hear from people about how much his work means to them and has impacted them it doesn’t have to be about money raised or candles just about human connection.
Jensen says the most meaningful thing to them is people showing up, and being invested that it's far beyond any material thing they could hope for but at the same time there are some pretty cool materialistic things they’ve been given; for example, Jensen had changed into a Soldier Boy shirt that by the sounds of it was gifted to him by a fan, he also mentions somebody had handmade him an spn blanket which was on the couch in his trailer for almost the whole run of the show that he would nap with; Jared jokes that it would freak him out, that he would tell Jensen "that's us" and Jensen would reply, all snuggled up in the blanket, "I know". Jared, you made it a habit to be there when Jensen took his naps? (that question is rhetorical I already know the answer to it; before we continue join me for a minute in imagining the two of them snuggled up together under a blanket to take a nap)
Anyways because the husbands were not husbanding enough Jensen acts as if he's snuggling the blanket and says "you're softer than I am for some reason I don't know why". No comment.
He also mentions there was a fan whose father made Christmas light strands out of old shotgun shells, and she gifted them some and he would hang them up in his trailer every holiday season they were filming. But that the greatest gift fans can give them is being there and showing gratification in any way, shape or form. x
If they could write each other a character and a role what would it be and why? Jared answers that as someone who has known Jensen for many years through many points in his life and seen him outside of filming situations he'd like the world to see Jensen play a dad.
Jensen would want to see Jared play a character that's intellectually driven, something like Neo, someone that breaks reality wide open and is kind of a thinking man in an action role. Because he thinks Jared is incredibly analytical and he can turn that aspect of his own personality into a great performance which is something he brought to Sam and did so well, and that's something that elevates the craft that he has, and Jared is really, really smart about how he does things, plays things, and presents things so Jensen would wanna make some sort of smart action figure for him. That's such a sweet, thoughtful answer
What quote inspires them? Jared's favorite is "pain is mandatory, suffering is optional." Jensen goes with "who let the dogs out?"
In the episode Sympathy for the Devil, Jensen does some gun twirling and gun work how did he do that, how hard was it to learn? And did Jared take any of that or did he already know and took those skills to Walker? Jensen says due to the nature of the show and what their characters did they spend a lot of time handling a variety of weapons so they got pretty comfortable with them. He remembers there was an ep Phil Sgriccia directed and there was a motel scene with expositional dialogue, and it wasn't in the sсript but Sgriccia came up with the idea that he wanted Dean to be cleaning his and Sam's pistols and the shotgun and he wanted Jensen to do it without looking at them; so when you involve props in any capacity that's another element, another layer to remember because you have to do it the same way each time for continuity. You have to remember what you're doing, when, and how but also remember lines and give the performance so he would spend time in his trailer leading up to shooting that scene taking apart the guns, cleaning them, and putting them back together with his eyes closed.
Says they got exposed to that kind of stuff quite a bit which made them become pretty comfortable, and those skills and confidence is something that has certainly helped him since then; Jared agrees and adds that he grew up handling firearms and knowing fire safety basics so he was already comfortable enough but he believes in knowledge and safety when it comes to something like a firearm so he has spent time with specialist talking about what to do and how to handle it so it's certainly helpful. x
There was a non-question a fan just wanted to give Jensen a unicorn plushie which he named Barks because he went to pick up the plushie there was a doggie in the audience who started barking x
Have they brought their shenanigans into their other sets or has it been more serious? Jared answers that the Walker set is absolutely full of shenanigans, and can I just say that I love how Jensen's response to that is to go "yeah, it's Mitch, it's Keegan, it's you- me showing up to direct didn't help things" not only does it make me smile that months later he's still mentioning and talking about directing Walker so positively like he truly had such a positive and fun time but I also love the tone in which he says it like he knows the cast, and crew, and environment so well that to him it should be obvious that it's full of fun and mischief.
Anyways, Jared continued on to say that part of the reason they have so much fun is that they started filming in Oct 2020, still going through the pandemic everybody was kind of scared but they needed to get back to work so it was a friendly atmosphere but there was also tension and feeling like they were standing on thin ice so a good way to cut that tension was to have fun and remember they're not curing covid, they're trying to entertain people who might be affected by it and the pandemic. So they brought a fun, humorous, friendly atmosphere to Walker.
Jensen says Jared has more of the opportunity to set that tone on Walker because he's the big cheese over there while he has been more of a guest in other people's homes. But when he's given the opportunity to keep it light, and joke and have fun he has seized those opportunities, he has also found the people in the cast most likely to do that and quickly build a rapport with them; says he and Karl Urban quickly build a rapport that left everybody else going "oh, no", and that one time when they were on the bus being driven to set Laz Alonso told them "you're like the good one, and you're the bad one" but he didn't point at them so they had to ask him who was who. Jensen's the good one and Karl's the bad one because Jensen tells Karl the bad things to do
Which is different than with Jared because with Jared he just instantly knew and they would jump into shenanigans together immediately. x
Out of all the performances they've done which has been their most challenging and they were most proud of? Or which of their other castmates performances were they most impressed by?
For Jared he mentions Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer, he thought he was amazing. And, once again, says his favorite version of Sam to play that wasn't Sam was soulless!Sam. But that once he got a grasp on what he was going to do as soulless!Sam it became easier than trials!Sam. Trials!Sam taught him a lot and really spoke to him as a person with what Sam was going through, and that remained challenging to the very end so that was probably the most rewarding on a personal level.
Jensen didn't get to go outside the box as much as Jared did with Sam but his favorite version of Dean that he got to play was scared Dean that it was a lot of fun to play a character that has faced so much and doesn't get scared very often being afraid of everything.
Other castmate that he has been impressed by is Ruth Connell, says anything he was on set with her he turned into an audience member that she's phenomenal and he would watch her do anything. x
What thing that they think might be unattainable do they wish they could do? As an example, the fan would like to swim with a blue whale in the open ocean which is next to impossible due to the marine mammal protection act. If the highest power on the planet told him he wouldn't die or get injured, Jared would base jump in a squirrel suit all the time. After joking around about flying squirrels, Jared says he wants to be flying Jensen and I need y'all to go see how he says it, and their reactions because this was flirting. x
Moving on to Jensen's answer he doesn't have one off the top of his head, says swimming with sharks and swimming with giant animals would be incredible, that flying with a suit and a bushy tail sounds fun . He thinks anything exhilarating and dangerous is always appealing but when you stop to consider if it's worth the risk it's like 'I don't know'. He always thought he'd wanna go swim with sharks but he's seen those cages collapse. He would probably put on that list traveling around the world like what Ewan McGregor did with his friend Charlie Boorman, getting on some motorcycles and going around the world the way they did that's something that's probably never gonna happen but would really be fun. x
When they leave this world how would they like to be remembered?
Jared wants to be remembered as somebody who cared about people. He doesn't care if anybody knows whether or not he's an actor, he'd like to be remembered not for what you can write down on paper about his life but as a nice guy who cared about people
Jensen answers something similar, he says his grandmother used to say that the things that you do or the things that are done to you sometimes you can or cannot control but you can always control your character and you can control how you present yourself. Being remembered for the things he has done, whether professionally or personally, the milestones he's hit or the accolades, that's great but like Jared, he would wanna be remembered for having a positive influence on people in his life and knowing he's touched people in a way that made the world for the better. x
Between SPN and the shows, they're on now, which is more fun to play the characters in? They got 15yrs on one so they got to have a lot of fun and never got bored on the set. Jensen points out that it's a different experience that they're having right now because Jared's in a similar position on Walker as he was on SPN but he's not he's being a guest so for him he's sitting back and patiently observing what's going on and trying to figure out what he thinks he can bring to the mix that it might be missing while Jared's kind of creating the mix over in his world. But they had so much time on SPN to play and enjoy themselves, they grew up on that show and he doesn't know if they'll ever have the experience they had on it again but the great thing about it is they can always go back to it.
Jared concurs and also mentions he's having a ton of fun on Walker and he loves Cordell who's quirky and has a more available sense of humor than Sam did since Sam was more stoic, and that they're both parts of him. That he also learned a lot, that he jokes that if he had played Cordell Walker when he was 22 it would have been a totally different guy because he hadn't worked so much with Jensen and seen firsthand how to find humor in certain situations and how to while remaining true to the character express to the audience what the character was thinking. He feels it's hard to gage because he committed to Sam when he was 22 and he didn't play Walker till he was 38 and a lot happened; if he started playing Sam tomorrow for the first time ever it would be a more fun experience because he spend a couple episodes or seasons still trying to learn who he was and who he wanted to be so he feels more comfortable as Jared Padalecki and having a certain type of fun with Cordell while as with Sam he was still figuring things out so very different but both incredible. x
Who did Sam end up with? Oh boy, mistakes were made when answering this question.
As Jared tries to think up an answer Jensen asks the crowd if this is a discussed topic and what the general consensus is to which this particular crowd filled proceeds to shout Eileen. Jensen pretends they said that they don’t know but the crowd does not accept that and shouts again Eileen. I will take a second to divert and say that no that answer is not the general consensus those who think that speak for your fucking selves don't drag the rest of us into it.
Jared after realizing he has no other option, reluctantly goes with what the crowd wants. He also says some very nice things about, Shoshannah, the actress that plays her.
Jensen asks if not Ruby, or in this case Ruby's meat suit, to which Jared replies it's got a big hole in it from him (Jensen). It turns into a whole thing and really they should have quit while they were ahead instead of encouraging the crowd but like I said mistakes were made.
And the biggest mistake was Jared asking who Dean would have ended up with because he did not have the necessary information to calculate that some in this particular crowd would shout C's name. Poor Jensen looked like a deer in the headlights, he acknowledged the screams of Lisa but still some in the crowd kept shouting C's name. At which point Jared pretended that he heard someone say Ruby, acted like he was jealous about it and forced things back on track. Boys be smarter next time, don't entertain these things
Moving on: would they rather have finger-sized legs or leg-sized fingers? Much like Jensen, I wonder what kind of question this is but anyways, Jensen doesn't even know how to react to this question and Jared says leg-sized fingers cause you can just have them cut to size. The question came about because this fan was at a con in 2018 where Stephen Amell got asked this so the boys ask her what he said and she's pretty sure he said leg-sized fingers so they joke a bit about that. x
Last question! In their travels have they ever stopped at the towns that are listed in the episodes ie. the towns where the events take place? Jensen has been to Lawrence, Kansas, and Stull Cemetery, as well as someplace else that as much as I tried I couldn't understand what he said but a lot of the towns on the show are small towns so they've been to very few. Jared can't remember if he has or hasn't but says he's dying to go to Lawrence. x
And here's a timestamp to the boys with their arms around each other waving goodbye

Следующий кон в Италии, на котором Джареда не будет 26-28 августа.

ЗавтракЗолотая панель J2 DCCon 2022
First question up is: what is their theme song?
The fan mentions that their theme song is Don't Stop Believin' by Journey, and Jared says that Separate Ways, which is also by Journey, is pretty badass then says he's gonna go with Faithfully also by that band because while he's not a musician he’s on the road a lot.
Jensen also goes with a road-themed song: On the Road Again by Willie Nelson. He says he’s been driving a lot the past couple weeks (not to nitpick but he was in Canada filming recently so timelines not a 100% accurate on his part) to see family because they're close enough it’s only like 4hrs from where he works and while driving back and forth he’s been playing a lot of Willie Nelson and that song has come up a couple times. He also mentions that he and Jared travel quite a bit and with the pandemic that wasn’t possible so it's made him realize that he truly enjoys being out on the road.
Now for absolutely no reason whatsoever I'm gonna go ahead and point out that Jared has been in Santa Fe the past couple of days just a small drive away (around an 1hr) from Jensen. Jensen who has conveniently provided the information that he's been driving a lot. Y'all do with that info what you want
Continuing on a fan who owns a bakery wants to know what is their favorite type of pie? Jared says pecan pie a la mode to which Jensen in total husband fashion says that what Jared actually likes is a little pecan pie with his ice cream
Jensen answer is either banana or coconut cream pie...so of course Jared makes a joke about bananas and coconuts. x
The third question is not a question it’s a very stupid joke but the boys banter with the person is funny so I’ll include a timestamp. x
Jensen was still thinking about the previous fans question about pie so he asked them what the best pie they make is, the answer is pumpkin. Jared makes an inappropriate joke, I had to pause
*sigh* Y'all we’re never gonna be free from prank questions. The next question is what's the best prank they've pulled on set together. Y’all know the drill they never planned pranks they just saw the opportunity to mess with someone and would take it. They say the only pranks they had planned were some they wanted to pull on MC but didn't get a chance to. x
Can they tell the story of how they met?
I know y'all probably already know the story, and I have written about it before, so this will be the quick version. Long story short they meet during auditions on the network test. By that point, Jensen had read originally for Sam but he told tptb that he wanted to read for Dean, and Jared had read for Sam but they didn't think he was a good fit at first because they wanted someone smart so his manager had to call and let them know that he is smart so they gave him a second chance so anyways they both arrive to the chemistry match network test and they were the only ones there and they start talking and the rest is history.
While telling the story they also talk a bit about how the audition process has changed, and Jensen mentions how he would try to throw the competition off their game in the audition rooms which makes Jared go into a quick non sequitur about how when G was auditioning for Wildfire there was this girl, who he and Jensen worked with, who kept trying to make it seem like she already had the role in order to mess with the heads of the others. This story had no point and no end because Jared doesn't reveal who the actress was he just tells Jensen he'll tell him later. The one time the man says something mildly interesting about that woman and he leaves out the most important detail of the story. x
What was their funniest moment or longest outtake? Jared says he has a few regrets about his time on SPN
But that his number one regret is that while they did a lot of things producers do they never got that official producer label. (baby, I regret y'all never got that label too but also spill the tea) If they had they would have kept all the gag reels and outtakes. Examples that come to his mind to answer the question are JDM getting hit in the balls when they filmed the 300th ep also Eye of the Tiger.
Jensen says he's been listening to some of the podcast thing that Benedict and Speight are doing and Taylor Cole, who played Sarah Blake, was in one of the eps and she mention how when they were filming Provenance something happened in one of the scenes and she couldn't stop giggling and Jared also couldn't stop laughing so they had to take a break because they couldn't reel it in. x
I don't know if this was the moment he was referring to but the way Jensen describes it reminds me of this moment from the s1 gag reel where Jared and Taylor are laughing and then there's jealous!Jensen in the background.
We have another non-question, a fan complimented Jensen’s cover of Simple Man that he did on Jason Mann’s cover album. Jensen tells the story of how his singing that song came about; so Jensen had agreed to be on the album but they hadn't chosen a song for him to sing so one day when Jason was in Van for something they were in Jensen's apartment and he asked him what he wanted to sing. Jensen was lightly strumming the guitar trying to come up with something and the song he was mindlessly strumming was Simple Man. Jason asked what he was playing and made Jensen sing the song and Jason liked it and said that's the song we're going with. x
On the off chance that some of you have not heard the acoustic cover, which is what's being mentioned here, that Jensen did of this song I'm gonna leave y'all a link because it's beautiful
Final question, is there a method to their acting that they’ve kept throughout the years? And a part that they’ve drastically changed?
Jared says his method has been the same since Gilmore Girls, he doesn't really memorize lines he just goes through the sсript over and over again until it's like a song that he can sing along with even if he doesn't know the name of it or the artist. He'll read it front to back at different times of the day whenever he gets the chance so when he gets to set it's so in his head that instinct takes over.
For Jensen, it's the opposite. He reads the sсript once very, very slowly. Some scenes he'll re-read a couple times till he has a good grasp of it and has a really good idea of how the scene should be played and then he'll move on and keep reading the sсript, once he gets through it he won't look at the whole thing again; he will look at the material for the next day the night before, read through it and remember how it impacted him the first time he read it, instinctually know the idea he thinks he wants to do for that scene but still not memorizing anything. Then the day off when they block it out and figure out when they wanna be that's when the words lock in because he is marrying them to his physical space. So when they go to shoot he knows the words.
He says the biggest advice he gives to young actors and actresses is that you always want to be emotionally available in a scene so if somebody's bringing something you hadn't thought of you want to be able to react to it properly.
Jared says he wouldn't recommend Jensen's method to young actors or actresses because it's very difficult to do but Jensen's a black belt in acting which is why he can do that- he admires Jensen so much
He also says that his pet peeve with scripts is when there's stage direction like 'sam cries' or 'dean breaks down' because there are times when they get there and in the moment it doesn't feel right. Says there are several scenes in SPN where the sсript doesn't mention them getting teared up but they would get teared up when filming, so he hates when emotions are written.
Jensen adds that that's the good stuff when there were things that would surprise them within the scene; the nuance of the scene and nuance of the relationship or the dialogue they would find it and that's something that he can't tell us how much he loves being a part of that with Jared. Because they would find it so quickly and so much that it would surprise them.
ПанельThe boy's chair spins so Jared starts playing with it and spinning, he's adorable.
Kicking off the questions is: How is the brewery doing? It's still kicking. Jensen says they were able to just keep their heads above water throughout the pandemic which was not easy but they're now doing fine and they just signed a distribution contract so they are growing. x
Since Crowley started feeling human emotions again after the trials and he redeemed himself do they think Jack would allow Crowley into heaven to be friends with the boys? Jensen jokes no, that he’s the King of Hell that's like being the coach for the other team. Jared says "maybe?" Jensen he doesn't think that was in the cards but with SPN anything can happen you never know. He starts to say if and when then changes it to when he and Jared decide to put the boots back on - which btw the boots Jared was wearing during this con panel are Sam's boots that he took from set - he hopes both Mark's are along for the ride. Then Jensen brings up Walker: Independence saying we’ll be seeing Mark be somebody else pretty soon and that Crowley found himself in the old west.For those that may not know Mark Sheppard is going to be in the Walker prequel, Walker: Independence. I find it so sweet that Jensen's the one who brings it up and he turns towards Jared to silently encourage him to talk about it; if we're proud of Jared for this new project I just know Jensen's feeling 10x prouder. x
Have their fans ever done anything really meaningful for them that they remember? Jared says many times, that he read something on twitter once about the money the fandom has raised for charity, and he also mentions the AKF candles from 2015 SDCC says that he still has his on his desk.
Also says that it's just as meaningful to hear from people about how much his work means to them and has impacted them it doesn’t have to be about money raised or candles just about human connection.
Jensen says the most meaningful thing to them is people showing up, and being invested that it's far beyond any material thing they could hope for but at the same time there are some pretty cool materialistic things they’ve been given; for example, Jensen had changed into a Soldier Boy shirt that by the sounds of it was gifted to him by a fan, he also mentions somebody had handmade him an spn blanket which was on the couch in his trailer for almost the whole run of the show that he would nap with; Jared jokes that it would freak him out, that he would tell Jensen "that's us" and Jensen would reply, all snuggled up in the blanket, "I know". Jared, you made it a habit to be there when Jensen took his naps? (that question is rhetorical I already know the answer to it; before we continue join me for a minute in imagining the two of them snuggled up together under a blanket to take a nap)
Anyways because the husbands were not husbanding enough Jensen acts as if he's snuggling the blanket and says "you're softer than I am for some reason I don't know why". No comment.
He also mentions there was a fan whose father made Christmas light strands out of old shotgun shells, and she gifted them some and he would hang them up in his trailer every holiday season they were filming. But that the greatest gift fans can give them is being there and showing gratification in any way, shape or form. x
If they could write each other a character and a role what would it be and why? Jared answers that as someone who has known Jensen for many years through many points in his life and seen him outside of filming situations he'd like the world to see Jensen play a dad.
Jensen would want to see Jared play a character that's intellectually driven, something like Neo, someone that breaks reality wide open and is kind of a thinking man in an action role. Because he thinks Jared is incredibly analytical and he can turn that aspect of his own personality into a great performance which is something he brought to Sam and did so well, and that's something that elevates the craft that he has, and Jared is really, really smart about how he does things, plays things, and presents things so Jensen would wanna make some sort of smart action figure for him. That's such a sweet, thoughtful answer
What quote inspires them? Jared's favorite is "pain is mandatory, suffering is optional." Jensen goes with "who let the dogs out?"
In the episode Sympathy for the Devil, Jensen does some gun twirling and gun work how did he do that, how hard was it to learn? And did Jared take any of that or did he already know and took those skills to Walker? Jensen says due to the nature of the show and what their characters did they spend a lot of time handling a variety of weapons so they got pretty comfortable with them. He remembers there was an ep Phil Sgriccia directed and there was a motel scene with expositional dialogue, and it wasn't in the sсript but Sgriccia came up with the idea that he wanted Dean to be cleaning his and Sam's pistols and the shotgun and he wanted Jensen to do it without looking at them; so when you involve props in any capacity that's another element, another layer to remember because you have to do it the same way each time for continuity. You have to remember what you're doing, when, and how but also remember lines and give the performance so he would spend time in his trailer leading up to shooting that scene taking apart the guns, cleaning them, and putting them back together with his eyes closed.
Says they got exposed to that kind of stuff quite a bit which made them become pretty comfortable, and those skills and confidence is something that has certainly helped him since then; Jared agrees and adds that he grew up handling firearms and knowing fire safety basics so he was already comfortable enough but he believes in knowledge and safety when it comes to something like a firearm so he has spent time with specialist talking about what to do and how to handle it so it's certainly helpful. x
There was a non-question a fan just wanted to give Jensen a unicorn plushie which he named Barks because he went to pick up the plushie there was a doggie in the audience who started barking x
Have they brought their shenanigans into their other sets or has it been more serious? Jared answers that the Walker set is absolutely full of shenanigans, and can I just say that I love how Jensen's response to that is to go "yeah, it's Mitch, it's Keegan, it's you- me showing up to direct didn't help things" not only does it make me smile that months later he's still mentioning and talking about directing Walker so positively like he truly had such a positive and fun time but I also love the tone in which he says it like he knows the cast, and crew, and environment so well that to him it should be obvious that it's full of fun and mischief.
Anyways, Jared continued on to say that part of the reason they have so much fun is that they started filming in Oct 2020, still going through the pandemic everybody was kind of scared but they needed to get back to work so it was a friendly atmosphere but there was also tension and feeling like they were standing on thin ice so a good way to cut that tension was to have fun and remember they're not curing covid, they're trying to entertain people who might be affected by it and the pandemic. So they brought a fun, humorous, friendly atmosphere to Walker.
Jensen says Jared has more of the opportunity to set that tone on Walker because he's the big cheese over there while he has been more of a guest in other people's homes. But when he's given the opportunity to keep it light, and joke and have fun he has seized those opportunities, he has also found the people in the cast most likely to do that and quickly build a rapport with them; says he and Karl Urban quickly build a rapport that left everybody else going "oh, no", and that one time when they were on the bus being driven to set Laz Alonso told them "you're like the good one, and you're the bad one" but he didn't point at them so they had to ask him who was who. Jensen's the good one and Karl's the bad one because Jensen tells Karl the bad things to do
Which is different than with Jared because with Jared he just instantly knew and they would jump into shenanigans together immediately. x
Out of all the performances they've done which has been their most challenging and they were most proud of? Or which of their other castmates performances were they most impressed by?
For Jared he mentions Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer, he thought he was amazing. And, once again, says his favorite version of Sam to play that wasn't Sam was soulless!Sam. But that once he got a grasp on what he was going to do as soulless!Sam it became easier than trials!Sam. Trials!Sam taught him a lot and really spoke to him as a person with what Sam was going through, and that remained challenging to the very end so that was probably the most rewarding on a personal level.
Jensen didn't get to go outside the box as much as Jared did with Sam but his favorite version of Dean that he got to play was scared Dean that it was a lot of fun to play a character that has faced so much and doesn't get scared very often being afraid of everything.
Other castmate that he has been impressed by is Ruth Connell, says anything he was on set with her he turned into an audience member that she's phenomenal and he would watch her do anything. x
What thing that they think might be unattainable do they wish they could do? As an example, the fan would like to swim with a blue whale in the open ocean which is next to impossible due to the marine mammal protection act. If the highest power on the planet told him he wouldn't die or get injured, Jared would base jump in a squirrel suit all the time. After joking around about flying squirrels, Jared says he wants to be flying Jensen and I need y'all to go see how he says it, and their reactions because this was flirting. x
Moving on to Jensen's answer he doesn't have one off the top of his head, says swimming with sharks and swimming with giant animals would be incredible, that flying with a suit and a bushy tail sounds fun . He thinks anything exhilarating and dangerous is always appealing but when you stop to consider if it's worth the risk it's like 'I don't know'. He always thought he'd wanna go swim with sharks but he's seen those cages collapse. He would probably put on that list traveling around the world like what Ewan McGregor did with his friend Charlie Boorman, getting on some motorcycles and going around the world the way they did that's something that's probably never gonna happen but would really be fun. x
When they leave this world how would they like to be remembered?
Jared wants to be remembered as somebody who cared about people. He doesn't care if anybody knows whether or not he's an actor, he'd like to be remembered not for what you can write down on paper about his life but as a nice guy who cared about people
Jensen answers something similar, he says his grandmother used to say that the things that you do or the things that are done to you sometimes you can or cannot control but you can always control your character and you can control how you present yourself. Being remembered for the things he has done, whether professionally or personally, the milestones he's hit or the accolades, that's great but like Jared, he would wanna be remembered for having a positive influence on people in his life and knowing he's touched people in a way that made the world for the better. x
Between SPN and the shows, they're on now, which is more fun to play the characters in? They got 15yrs on one so they got to have a lot of fun and never got bored on the set. Jensen points out that it's a different experience that they're having right now because Jared's in a similar position on Walker as he was on SPN but he's not he's being a guest so for him he's sitting back and patiently observing what's going on and trying to figure out what he thinks he can bring to the mix that it might be missing while Jared's kind of creating the mix over in his world. But they had so much time on SPN to play and enjoy themselves, they grew up on that show and he doesn't know if they'll ever have the experience they had on it again but the great thing about it is they can always go back to it.
Jared concurs and also mentions he's having a ton of fun on Walker and he loves Cordell who's quirky and has a more available sense of humor than Sam did since Sam was more stoic, and that they're both parts of him. That he also learned a lot, that he jokes that if he had played Cordell Walker when he was 22 it would have been a totally different guy because he hadn't worked so much with Jensen and seen firsthand how to find humor in certain situations and how to while remaining true to the character express to the audience what the character was thinking. He feels it's hard to gage because he committed to Sam when he was 22 and he didn't play Walker till he was 38 and a lot happened; if he started playing Sam tomorrow for the first time ever it would be a more fun experience because he spend a couple episodes or seasons still trying to learn who he was and who he wanted to be so he feels more comfortable as Jared Padalecki and having a certain type of fun with Cordell while as with Sam he was still figuring things out so very different but both incredible. x
Who did Sam end up with? Oh boy, mistakes were made when answering this question.
As Jared tries to think up an answer Jensen asks the crowd if this is a discussed topic and what the general consensus is to which this particular crowd filled proceeds to shout Eileen. Jensen pretends they said that they don’t know but the crowd does not accept that and shouts again Eileen. I will take a second to divert and say that no that answer is not the general consensus those who think that speak for your fucking selves don't drag the rest of us into it.
Jared after realizing he has no other option, reluctantly goes with what the crowd wants. He also says some very nice things about, Shoshannah, the actress that plays her.
Jensen asks if not Ruby, or in this case Ruby's meat suit, to which Jared replies it's got a big hole in it from him (Jensen). It turns into a whole thing and really they should have quit while they were ahead instead of encouraging the crowd but like I said mistakes were made.
And the biggest mistake was Jared asking who Dean would have ended up with because he did not have the necessary information to calculate that some in this particular crowd would shout C's name. Poor Jensen looked like a deer in the headlights, he acknowledged the screams of Lisa but still some in the crowd kept shouting C's name. At which point Jared pretended that he heard someone say Ruby, acted like he was jealous about it and forced things back on track. Boys be smarter next time, don't entertain these things
Moving on: would they rather have finger-sized legs or leg-sized fingers? Much like Jensen, I wonder what kind of question this is but anyways, Jensen doesn't even know how to react to this question and Jared says leg-sized fingers cause you can just have them cut to size. The question came about because this fan was at a con in 2018 where Stephen Amell got asked this so the boys ask her what he said and she's pretty sure he said leg-sized fingers so they joke a bit about that. x
Last question! In their travels have they ever stopped at the towns that are listed in the episodes ie. the towns where the events take place? Jensen has been to Lawrence, Kansas, and Stull Cemetery, as well as someplace else that as much as I tried I couldn't understand what he said but a lot of the towns on the show are small towns so they've been to very few. Jared can't remember if he has or hasn't but says he's dying to go to Lawrence. x
And here's a timestamp to the boys with their arms around each other waving goodbye

Следующий кон в Италии, на котором Джареда не будет 26-28 августа.
galiandra, я как раз слушаю сейчас золотую панель. Он не сказал, куда он именно ездил, сказал, только, что к семье и что ехать 4 часа. У меня ничего не складывается. До Остина одиннадцать часов на машине, до Далласа 9. Единственное, что у меня сложилось, это Теллурид. Но он вроде дом там продал? Или еще нет?
Спасибо. Тогда наверное в Теллурид и ездил. Возможно они сбежали туда от жары, ну и чтобы Дженсен мог к ним приезжать.
Меня иногда удивляют некоторые детали, но тут уж гадать даже не берусь.
Вот и я так прикинула, что изо всех известных мест пребывания его семьи, Теллурид больше всего подходит. Там пять часов, но если ехать на максимально разрешенной везде, то наверное можно за четыре с копейками уложиться. Но уж точно не Даллас, и тем более не Остин, до него еще дальше.