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Автограф Джареда
he laughed and joked woth my GF about our J2 auto. She made him laugh. For my collage, i asked him to sigh his fav scene and pointed out his & gen's.
He said Gen would be upset if he defaced her. I told him I was a Madison Maverick also and he asked when.
I explained I was in 8th grade when he graduated but myself & my parents still are in thea area.
He gave me a high five and blew me a kiss as i walked away.
Автограф Дженсена
He winked at me as my GF walked up to the table. My GF goes first with our Op. She says "I'm going to steal her thunder but you're a beautiful human" & i die.
He blushes and asks "Well is there an echo..?" & i said "yes you're beautiful" and he laughs. My Gf asks if the little girl ahead of us looked like Lilith to him & he agreed.
For my collage, i asked him to sign his fav scene. He asked if Jared had saw it yet & i said yes and explained the defacing comment. He said he really wanted to sign that pic bc it was a very special moment in his life but would respect his wishes. He then picked Death eating pizza with Dean bc he loved filming it and was terrified of it.
Нужно покопаться, когда снималась эта сцена, что за памятная дата.