воскресенье, 24 июля 2016
Некогда пока разбираться, но решила сохранить.
Ранчо Дженсена вроде.
К сожалению, пока руки дошли разобраться - все уже потерли. Видно девочке попало )) Инстаграмм ее закрыт, комментарии потерты. Но осталось обсуждение. Все же решила его сохранить. Пусть хоть что-то будет
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Над комменатриями стояла вот эта фотка

The girl gives all the info in the comments. From what i understand, her husband works for Jensen as a brewer
The girl calls the ranch her photography studio (ссылка уже не работает, комментарии и сам пост стерты, но на заставке правый рисунок - с ранчо Дженсена:
Well it would make sense to have someone looking after the property. I wonder if they were there before Jensen bought it? Sounds like they may have been and that this is somewhere he doesn't actually plan to live in for the most part.
Only in Texas could you have a "family-friendly brewery".
Huh? WTF are you talking about?
Nope. Not only in Texas.
Hope Gino tanks it. I'm sure he'll do a bang up job.
You want Jensen's business venture to failure? wow
Nice. Wasn't he removed from this in some way anyway?
Another place, besides their living rooms, for anons to get drunk over Jensen.
Anyone save the info/pics? She's made the account private and I missed it.
I didn't save the pics but I saved the info.
amber.iviesummertime, get at me yo 💦🐳🐟
candicequeso Where's this?!
amber.ivie@candicequeso property where Nate works!
@nateryanseale candicequeso DANG! Lucky!
amber.ivie@candicequeso haha, yeah we feel pretty lucky. texas forever...
telehandre Where in dripping is the space? Is it a brewery? Open to the public? So much fun to be had out here.
amber.ivie@telehandre it's on Hamilton Pool just past 12 and will have a tasting room and walking paths, food trucks and other vendors and my vintage. The house and pool will remain private mostly due to safety concerns, unfortunately. I think opening late Fall.
Other pic:
amber.ivietaste testing my honey's new brews, pools and hill country views. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
amber.iviejen, y'all will love it when the brewery is live! @jcnorris
jcnorrisWhaaaa? I need to hear more.
amber.ivie@jcnorris yeah! nate's been r&d brewing out here on this 15 acre property in prep for a full-on family friendly brewery. it's so dreamy and will be even more so once everything is up and running. fingers crossed late summer or early fall.
The dates of these comments were from April IIRC, and her husband started working for them around February.
Does anyone have another link to these photos - the Instagram account is listed as private.
I think she deleted the account? I followed her in case she goes private and the account is just gone now
Wouldn't surprise me if she got yelled at and her boyfriend may be out of a job. She overstepped posting those if it was without permission.
The info didn't get THAT public though. I only saw it here
Instagram is pretty public lol
So is this place and the Js know about it too.
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