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читать дальшеI was in Jared and Jensen's meet and greets and some interesting stuff was said by both of them.
A fan asked a question that segued into the fan also asking if we're going to see more emotional scenes coming up, because those have really been lacking lately. Jared completely ignored that part of the question and moved onto the next fan.
Another person asked Jared how he deals with depression despite the volunteer asking us to keep questions light and fun. As part of his answer, Jared us that the time he spent in Houston right after he returned from Europe (after cancelling JIB 2015) was his rock bottom. He was in a place that he was ready to just give up and let everything go and be over. He warned us when he started telling the story that he might start crying, and he nearly did. He then continued to tell us that last night, he was booked into the same room of the same hotel that he was in during that stay, and that it really messed with him and reminded him of the worst time of his life.
In Jensen's meet and greet, he was asked if the disconnect and lack of emotion between Sam and Dean was deliberate, and if it would continue. He gave a very long answer that was, in essence, yes. Emotional scenes between Sam and Dean aren't being written and he and Jared add in what they think needs to be there. He did emphasize that the feelings are still there between Sam and Dean, but they aren't showing them as much. He seemed startled by the question, like maybe they thought no one had noticed? I don't know. But he was very serious in his answer.
Afterwards, I got to thinking about all these things together and now I'm wondering if perhaps Jared simply isn't up to deeply emotional scenes between Sam and Dean right now. We know he tends to go 'method', and it makes me wonder if he's struggling more than they're letting on. Especially given how subdued I thought both of them looked today, up until the main panel when Jared seemed nearly manic to me.
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