1. 350 fans attended. 10 fans per table. Buffet style. It took a long time for us to all get our a seat and sit down.
10 minutes later, Jensen and Steve walked in and greeted all of us from the stage.
2. Jensen started by explaining how they got this panel idea: because he often gets band related questions in panels and he feels bad about it sometimes, because not everyone with him is involved and they couldn't weigh in. (He jokingly lowered his voice)"Jared", and he doesn't want anyone to feel left out.
And also, the only person(s) who could answer Radio Company related questions are either him or Steve. So they got the idea of doing a panel specifically for music related questions together and since we are in Texas, BBQ!
Then they started taking questions. Steve was surprised how many hands quickly shot up. He was like, wow, I thought maybe we wouldn't get any questions! And Jensen's like, Haha, you wish!
3. How do they collaborate with each other?
Jensen said Steve is the more musically talented of the two, he is the one who could read music and communicate with professionals and explain what they need.
Jensen just, he considers himself as having sharp ears. He might not know what exactly something was called but he knows when something just sounds right (or wrong), just by listening to it.
And Steve is the one who enriches and develops from his hunch, and communicates with other professional musicians to work on them. Because, Jensen admits, he does not have the vocab of all those technical terms.
4. They did a little demonstration with guitar, Jensen strung a simple tune and gestured to Steve, and Steve was like, "You want me to do it here, now?" but he picked it up and made it into a much more complex melody and Jensen laughed, "now you are just showing off!"
Steve mentioned it's like Jensen's "acting stuff" and Jensen fake astonished like, "Acting STUFF?"
And Steve was like, How would I know what you do? All I know is you were always off busy doing your…stuff!
5. City Grown Willow. It's a song Steve wrote as a gift to a couple of his friends 10 years ago. The husband was from Colorado (cowboy) and wife from LA. They had split up now but they were a great couple. And the song was just kind of put on the shelf after it was written.
One day Jensen and Steve were trying some music together, and Jensen asked Steve if he has anything that's already baked. Steve said you know most of my stuff already! You were there when I wrote them! Then he suddenly remembered, oh there is this one…and afterwards Jensen was like, can I have it? And that's how it came to be.
6. How did they first start?
They were both from Texas and became friends in the good old days. Early 2000s they roommates in Vancouver and Steve sometimes recorded at home.
When he was recording his first album, Jensen walked in and was like, what is that? I love casually sang the harmony and Steve was like, I didn't know you could sing?
Jensen was humble about it and said something like, Yeah I could carry a tune now and then. But Steve was so impressed he insisted for Jensen to record it properly right there. Well they were at home anyway so, no biggy? And Steve ended up using Jensen's harmony for that song in his first album.
And it went from there. They've collaborated together and developed more than 50 songs now.
7. Austin summer! Hhh Steve is an Austin local. He said every year he gave a birthday concert. It's a small gathering, just for friends. And this year is the 10th anniversary and everyone was like, Steve, could we do it anywhere but Austin for this year? August, too hot! And he was like, well, yeah all right.
And then Jensen called, and his 10th anniversary concert was still held in Austin! Last week.
Jensen said, Well, it was meant to be!
Also Jensen: I used to live here! Austin is great! But not in June, July, August, and sometimes throw in September too. Never liked Austin summer, and why did creation choose August I have asked this question for a year now.
8. Fans asked him what he misses most about Texas and he said, I don't? I am still here all the time. I am here now, I was here a few weeks ago and then a few weeks before that. My whole family's still here my mom and dad are in Dallas I often visit them. So I kind of… I didn't catch what he said after that but I got the idea that he thinks himself more like commuting, instead of permanently moved out
9. They mentioned an Easter egg they put in one of their songs, they used the exact same letters for sentences and they were really proud of it and high fives each other all excited afterwards. I think it might be All Our Own but I'm not that sure. Maybe someone else remembers?
10. The new song Home on the Road
Jensen was shooting Rust in New Mexico and rented a small house next to the Rio Grande river. It's quiet and out of way and he walks on riverbank trail on his day off and loved it.
When Steve visited and they tried to hum a tune out and once they got it, the first words came out of Jensen for that tune was "home on the road". Just like that little house, his home on the road. Both him and Steve travel so much for work, it resonated. And they wrote the song. They said it's not polished yet but they sang it for us anyway. The tune reminded me of City Grown Willow. I think it'll become my new favorite.
11. If they were invited to perform in ACL festival will they go? Jensen: No!! Steve: Ugh definitely?
Jensen: So here is your answer. Steve will drag me kicking and screaming to there. They laughed so hard and then Jensen said, no any time you have a chance to perform in that capacity, of course you go.
12. Talked about Kaleo and JJ. J2 and JJ are friends and they get together whenever JJ visits and they'd love to collaborate together if ever get the chance.
This is all I could recall!